20 Claire Ave, Woodbridge, NJ 07095
Address :20 Claire Ave
City :Woodbridge
State :NJ
Postal Code :07095
Property Type :Multi-Family 16 Units
Loan Amount:$3,150,000
Realty Capital Financial helps Real Estate Investors get the financing they need, right when they need it.
RCF is a proud member of the NPLA
Our Realty Capital Financial reps are here for you.
We treat you as one of RCF. Broker fees are agreed upon, and paid at closing on HUD.
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We don't go through any other third parties. What you bring to the table, we lend. You speak directly to the decision maker.
Whether you are seeking to Purchase, Re-Finance, Rehab or Develop a Ground Up Residential, or Mixed-Use Investment Properties we are the Hassle-Free Solution.
Simple strategies = simple solutions.
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"No-Hassle" Deals
Unique Solutions
Client Satisfaction
175 MM+
We are always here to provide you the finance assistance you need
View a list of our most recent properties funded through RCF. Interested in seeing more deals? Click here.
Address :20 Claire Ave
City :Woodbridge
State :NJ
Postal Code :07095
Property Type :Multi-Family 16 Units
Loan Amount:$3,150,000
Address :501 Rahway Ave
City :Woodbridge
State :NJ
Postal Code :07095
Property Type :Multi-Family 16 Units
Loan Amount:$3,003,000
Address :490 Rahway Ave
City :Woodbridge
State :NJ
Postal Code :07095
Property Type :Multi-Family 21 Units
Loan Amount:$3,941,000
Whether you are seeking to purchase, re-finance or rehab your residential, commercial, or mixed-use investment properties, we are the hassle-free solution.
311 Boulevard of the Americas
Tower Two – Suite 207
Lakewood NJ, 08701 info@realtycapitalfinancial.com